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Episode Cover for 'Beautiful Little Nothings': A wreath of leaves around a cameo style silhouette of Clara and Jane Austen's profiles
Episode Cover for 'Beautiful Little Nothings': A wreath of leaves around a cameo style silhouette of Clara and Jane Austen's profiles


Written by Dillon O’Hara

Illustrated by Aralis

'The dawn dappled the crisp meadow grass, and Jane Austen was dying.'


Fresh from disaster, Clara Oswald retreats to seek comfort with an old flame. Yet even in the charming mundanity of Regency-era England, another mystery calls to her: the curious – and thought-to-be fictional – estate of Sanditon. But all is not well.


Because this is England, 1817, and Jane Austen is dying.


Word Count: TBA

Release Date: TBA

TUA Logo Light Blue.png

Clara Oswald: The Untold Adventures is a non-profit fan-created project not affiliated with the BBC. All publicly recognisable images, characters, settings etc. are the property of their respective owners.

 The Untold Adventures 2025.

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