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A Long-Awaited Update

Hello old friends, it’s been a while.

It’s about time we gave you all a long overdue update on the project. We can only apologise for the silence for most of this year. Unfortunately due to various circumstances, both production-related and personal, the project had to take a lengthy hiatus for most of 2021. It’s no secret that over the past couple of years we’ve encountered many bumps in the road, and due to the scale of the series and the severity of these setbacks this has led to numerous delays. In some cases, that meant reworking stories from the ground up and considerable revisions for others. At the end of the day, this is a free fan project so our resources and time are limited. Our priority is ensuring that when we finally release the episodes they are polished and well presented, the overall story cohesive and we're able to commit to a consistent publication schedule.

Thankfully, we've weathered all of these ups and downs, and in many ways, The Untold Adventures is all the stronger for it. We’ve brought wonderful new members aboard the project team, whose talent and creative vision has elevated their episodes and the series as a whole. It’s also allowed us the chance to prepare a plethora of exciting promotional material for the release lead-up. Speaking of which, we can reveal one exciting piece of it today on Hell Bent's anniversary: an updated and highly detailed model of Clara’s TARDIS interior, based on the designs by Alpha Centauri is Watching You, Jana H.S., Ruth Long, and especially James Johnson - the creator of the fantastic original model who also advised on this one. A full gallery will be coming in the near future!

Render of an original TARDIS interior design during 'day mode'. A 60s-style TARDIS console sits on a hexagonal platform in a Colosseum-like room strewn with vines beneath a domed glass ceiling that shows the sky outside.

At this point anticipating this series must feel like waiting for the first second of eternity to pass, and believe us when we say that no one is more eager to see Clara's next adventures out in the world than us. But rest assured we're not going anywhere, work on the project is full steam ahead, and we can't wait to share more with you in the coming weeks.

Thank you more than we can express for your patience and understanding,

The Untold Adventures Team


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Clara Oswald: The Untold Adventures is a non-profit fan-created project not affiliated with the BBC. All publicly recognisable images, characters, settings etc. are the property of their respective owners.

 The Untold Adventures 2025.

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