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An Important Announcement

The past couple of months have been a difficult time for all of us. With the upheaval caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent measures undertaken across the globe, everyone is having to make huge adjustments. Although we had sincerely hoped to be ready for the 16th of May, having reviewed the situation in the time since our previous announcement, we have realised that in the current circumstances trying to hit an arbitrary release date for the series just isn’t proving feasible. Many people on the team have been hit with various setbacks both project-related and personal, and we don’t believe it’s right to push ourselves during such a high-stress period, to the point where there’s a real risk of exhaustion and burnout.

As leads of The Untold Adventures, our number one priority is the well-being of our team members, and in the interest of accounting for their respective situations and giving them the support they need, we have decided to hold off the release of the project until we’re in a position where we can comfortably publish the finished episodes and their accompanying artwork without undue pressure and strain on everyone involved. This decision was made with a heavy heart, and we appreciate that this news will come as a disappointment to those who have been eagerly anticipating our launch, but we know that this is the right decision and that the series will be all the better for it. Rest assured that when we do next announce a date (the current plan is with three weeks notice), it will be one we are totally confident in hitting without further delay.

The Doctor Who community has shown tremendous collective spirit and creativity during such a tough period for everyone, and it's our hope that Clara Oswald’s new adventures will likewise be able to offer some welcome fun, escapism, and hope.

We wish all of you well, and appreciate your patience and understanding.

Project leads Ruth Long and Caitlin Smith

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Clara Oswald: The Untold Adventures is a non-profit fan-created project not affiliated with the BBC. All publicly recognisable images, characters, settings etc. are the property of their respective owners.

 The Untold Adventures 2025.

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