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An Update

Header Image: the last ember of the universe

It’s about time we brought you up to speed as to the current status of the project and the plan ahead!

Firstly, we’re still aiming for a Spring release, though this likely won’t be any sooner than May at the earliest, and we’ve given ourselves wiggle room to push the date back further if necessary. Several of the episodes are nearing completion and have reached the late editing stages, but we’ve naturally wanted to keep things flexible to account for the respective speeds and schedules of our writers and artists, who are devoting a lot of time and effort to making these stories as good as they possibly can be. At the end of March we’ll be reviewing where each of the drafts and illustrations are at, at which point we should be in a better position to narrow down a more specific window, and will inform you as soon as that decision has been made.

Now some clarification on the publishing format for the series. After some thorough discussion and research, including speaking with experienced authors who have produced fan anthologies in the past, it’s become clear that the financial, logistical, and legal complexities/pitfalls involved in releasing the series in print form are extensive; for a variety of reasons, not least the sheer collective length of the stories! Because of this, we’ve decided to focus on a free digital release as our primary means of publication, on AO3, in eBook form, and on our website. Making reading The Untold Adventures as accessible and enjoyable an experience as possible is a top priority, and there are a lot of benefits to this format, including its versatility and allowance for certain stylistic choices which will further enhance the stories. We also have some surprises in store that take unique advantage of the digital platform.

In the coming weeks and months we’ll be revealing more about the episodes and the series as a whole, with exciting features, previews and more to look forward to, so keep a close eye on this site, our Twitter and Tumblr!

Thank you for bearing with us. Trust us when we say it’ll be worth the wait!

The Untold Adventures team


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Clara Oswald: The Untold Adventures is a non-profit fan-created project not affiliated with the BBC. All publicly recognisable images, characters, settings etc. are the property of their respective owners.

 The Untold Adventures 2025.

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