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The Plan Ahead

Header Image: the Twelfth Doctor and Clara

Now that our episode previews have been released, this is an opportune time to give you all a status update on the project.

Since first officially announcing The Untold Adventures the project has grown exponentially in scope and scale, with over thirty people involved in writing, planning, editing, and producing artwork for the series. It's been inspirational to see the level of craft and passion involved, but due to this growth – in addition to various other factors – we've had to frequently reevaluate the series' release window. As more drafts are completed and we move further into the next phase of production, it's become evident that in order to ensure that the stories, their art and presentation are as complete and polished as they can possibly be, we need to give ourselves more time.

Our new projected time-frame for publication will be the Autumn, though the priority is to allow plenty of flexibility. First and foremost, this project is a labour of love, the result of months of hard work by many dedicated fans, who have poured a huge amount of time and energy into their contributions. The collective word-count of the episodes – which is expected to well surpass two-hundred-thousand words – and our commitment to accessibility, continuity, authenticity, and character development makes for a highly ambitious undertaking, so inevitably there are going to be delays and complications. Thank you for bearing with us. We strongly believe that these new adventures with Clara are something truly special, and will be well worth the wait.

We're so grateful for your continued patience. The plan is to keep a steady flow of promotional content coming in the meantime to tide you over, so stay on the lookout!

The Untold Adventures team


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Clara Oswald: The Untold Adventures is a non-profit fan-created project not affiliated with the BBC. All publicly recognisable images, characters, settings etc. are the property of their respective owners.

 The Untold Adventures 2025.

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